EA Virtual Program Facilitator Application

Thank you so much for your interest in applying to be a facilitator for EA Virtual Programs! We're trialing offering facilitators a stipend at the end of the program. You can read more about it here.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at: virtualprograms@centreforeffectivealtruism.org.

Hidden Fields
This section contains fields required for the Salesforce connector.

This is the Id of the "Facilitator Applications" Program in Salesforce -- this is a bucket program to collect all facilitator applications.
Your Information

Facilitator Preferences

Your answer can be 1-4 sentences; no need to write more.

Although the next few questions in this section are optional, we encourage you to fill them out if you have any relevant information. Your responses will help us accurately assess your abilities as a facilitator.

For example, completing an EA related research, supported a community building project, participated in any other EA related retreat or fellowship, etc.

For example, they could be your previous answers to the intro/in-depth program exercises, your comments or posts on the EA Forum, a blog post, a Google Doc, etc.

Your answer can be 1-4 sentences; no need to write more.

Your answer can be 1-4 sentences; no need to write more.

For example, they could be your former facilitator, a community builder in your local group, a peer who took the same program as you did, a former participant you've facilitated for, etc.

Consent to sharing details with EA organizations?

The Centre for Effective Altruism may share my responses and any other data associated with my EA Virtual Programs participation with other organizations and organizers in the effective altruism community for the purpose of connecting me to potential collaborators and/or relevant resources that are likely to be of significant benefit or interest to me.

You may opt out of this consent at any time by emailing info@centreforeffectivealtruism.org.
Privacy Notice

By submitting this form, you consent to your data being shared with the Centre for Effective Altruism and EA Germany.
CEA respects your privacy and will use your information in accordance with its privacy policy, which also sets out your rights. 


By participating in this program, you consent to being filmed or photographed, and potentially having those videos or images be used for training and quality control purposes. Please get in touch with us if you have concerns.

The information you provide will be used by CEA for the purpose of measuring the impact of our programs, supporting the EA community, and carrying out the other activities set out in the privacy policy.

You can contact us at virtualprograms@centreforeffectivealtruism.org if you have any questions.