Funding Approved Organizer

Hidden Fields

Looks at the Group Name lookup below and the Group Name write in field, and returns "NoGroup" if both aren't filled out. Used in place of an actual validation rule to make sure the user inputs a group.
GA Tracking Code

GA Event Tracking Code
The application should take approximately 1 hour to complete.

We believe that this program will help to create a more consistent experience for EA groups.

After you complete this form, a member of our team will review your answers, and possibly schedule a follow-up call. We will use this information to inform our grantmaking.

Your Information

Please double check for abbreviations, possible variations in spelling, etc.

Please select or write in your Group above.

To select multiple languages, hold down the control key (PC) or the command key (Mac) when you click your selection.


In the following selection, we list out a number of actions that Effective Altruists commonly take. For each action, we would like you to indicate whether you have completed the action.
* For all actions which specify “Primary EA Cause Area”, we mean any of the following cause areas: 
  • Global Health and Development
  • AI Safety & Policy
  • Biosecurity and Pandemic Preparedness
  • Ending Factory Farming
  • Information Security
  • Building Effective Altruism
  • Nuclear Security
  • Global Priorities Research

** "High Impact Organisations" are those whose job postings would be posted on the 80,000 hours job board, or equivalent. 

Hidden IDs
Studies (3)

Activities (12)

Employment (8)

Donations (4)

Other (1)





Are there any other actions you took that you feel were altruistically impactful, or heavily influenced you to take more altruistic actions?

Calculates number of total actions completed or intended above -- this field controls if the next page is hidden or shown.

Of the actions you indicated you've already taken, which would you say are highly influential in enabling you to have substantial altruistic impact?

EA Experience

References are entirely optional but can improve your application in some cases. References by people who are directly involved in effective altruism and adjacent communities are particularly useful, especially if we are likely to be familiar with their work and thinking. (E.g., long-time members of the effective altruism community who have given you feedback or otherwise engaged with your work.)

If you prefer reaching out to references only at a later stage, please list the names of likely references but indicate clearly that you still need to check with them before we reach out. Note that you will have to check with them quickly once we ask. If we have prior knowledge of a reference or have professional connections to them, we may reach out to them for their opinion of your application without notifying you in advance. We generally will not do this for references that we don't already know.
Please make sure you select or write in a Group on page 1 of this form.